Don’t you just love fireplace mantles? They are such a decor gem in spaces – like blank canvases for endless design possibilities, especially during the holidays. And what better holiday in which to explore those possibilities than Halloween? Okay, maybe Christmas! But ’tis the season of ghouls and goblins so let us commemorate accordingly!
Here are some creatively spooky Halloween mantles that we ♥

The rustic-inspired decor here is simple yet foreboding. There is something intriguingly eerie about ravens perched atop a black branch.

Turn your mantle into a spooky bookcase with ghoulish titles.

Arranged dead twigs, spider cake platters, tall white taper candles, silver miniature busts and metal chains used as garlands are definitely creepy yet chic.

Not so spooky but definitely a treat for the eyes - your fireplace literally becomes an art installation with flame-carved pumpkins.

We love this idea! Turning your mantle into an inferno cemetery with gravestones and lighting effects...and again those creepy ravens.

This ominous message is frightful & delightful. Something about it just makes us laugh every time - it's like sinister sarcasm. It reminds us of a mantle we saw once with a "Welcome" mat laid in front!

We doubt this design is going to scare any of your guests, but you got to appreciate the festive staging. The pumpkins, leaves, and lanterns radiate the autumn season. Take out these creepy little raven guys and you can stretch out this design through Thanksgiving! Love the mini ladder!

This one wins for a few reasons: 1) love the assorted tipsy, tilting motion of the picture frames, 2) love the haunting images inside of the frames (kind of gives a "The Others" feel to it) and 3) the mini eclectic-lanscapng complete with old books and a haunted house is too hard to resist.

And last, but not least! We adore this Halloween color scheme and the way it plays off of the all-white fireplace. It's definitely not cheerful decor, but it's not spine-chilling either (mainly, because there are NO ravens). The design is more inviting than the others, a little whimsical - almost like how Alice in Wonderland would decorate for the holiday.
All these Halloween-inspired mantles are creative, unique, and spooky! And if there’s one thing to take from this article – it’s that you can literally make anything disquieting and ominous by adding a few ravens to it. So in the words of Edgar Allan Poe himself,
“And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting [..] And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming […] And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted – nevermore.”
from Modern LA Weddings ♦.